Find 18" Wider Rear Alloy Wheels For Your Vehicle
Here at Wheelbase Alloys you can be sure to find the perfect 18" Wider Rear alloy wheels for your vehicle. We have a wide selection of different alloy wheel designs, colours and styles from all the best manufacturers in the world. Please select your vehicle model below to view all compatible 18" Wider Rear alloy wheels for your vehicle.
{[{ manufacturerTitle }]} {[{ modelTitle }]}
We're sorry, but there aren't any {[{ searchString }]} wheels that are compatible with your {[{ manufacturerTitle }]} {[{ modelTitle }]}.
Please select your desired wheel size from below to view all compatible alloys for your car.
If you need any assistance at all please call us on 0333 800 8000.
Select your {[{ manufacturerTitle }]} {[{ modelTitle }]} Wheel Size
{[{ manufacturerTitle }]} {[{ modelTitle }]} {[{ variantTitle }]}
{[{ variantTitle }]}